Redistribution of forces in foundation structures of a building made of precast reinforced concrete depending on the type of panel connection
foundation structures, pile head, wall panel, load distribution method by area, free support of panels, hinged panel connection, rigid panel connectionAbstract
Reinforced concrete monolithic frames are widely used in the construction of high-rise buildings. One of the main advantages of such a frame is the possibility for architects to freely plan spaces (walls, pilasters, columns), while for design engineers, it ensures an even redistribution of forces in the load-bearing elements, which leads to more uniform settlement of foundations. At the same time, the construction of monolithic buildings is a rather time-consuming process, so to accelerate construction timelines, the load-bearing structure is often made of precast reinforced concrete. However, considering that in precast concrete, structural elements are connected through mortar and embedded parts, it is more challenging to achieve an even distribution of forces under the vertical load-bearing elements of the frame compared to a monolithic frame, where the entire building acts as a single rigid disc. Uneven settlement is also influenced by the fact that there are self-supporting panels and panels that support floor slabs (from one or both sides).
The stiffness of load-bearing structures (and consequently the building as a whole) in a panel building primarily depends on the connection of panels with each other. Depending on how the panels (as well as floor slabs) are connected, different displacements will occur, which in turn create additional forces in the foundation structures, ultimately causing uneven redistribution of forces in the pile field.
Based on the above, we can conclude that studying the effect of panel jointing on the redistribution of forces in the foundation structures of high-rise panel buildings is a relevant task.
The purpose of this work is to investigate the influence of panel jointing in a high-rise residential building on the stress-strain state of foundation structures based on numerical modeling of the "base-foundation-superstructure" system.
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