Thermally stressed state of asphalt concrete layer on a metal base




bridge structure, asphalt concrete pavement, thermal effects, shear thermal stress, normal thermal stress


The results of a finite element study of the thermally stressed and deformed states of a fragment of a two-layer bridge structure, consisting of a bearing metal orthotropic slab with a layer of asphalt concrete applied on it, are presented. It is believed that the materials of the layers are characterized by different thermomechanical parameters, which determine the inhomogeneity of the stress and strain fields. An analogue of these phenomena can be the effect of transformation in electric thermal relays of thermal action on a bimetallic plate with different coefficients of thermal linear expansion into its mechanical displacements, which are used to actuate the switch and switches.

Using the method of computer modeling, it was found that these factors lead to the concentration of stresses and strains and changes in the stress-strain state in all elements of the bridge structure end are not taken into account in the modern practice of designing and operating bridges, as well as are one of the reasons for the premature destruction of asphalt concrete pavements. To eliminate these shortcomings, on the basis of finite element algorithms, a theoretical analysis of the thermally stressed state of a metal bridge slab with an asphalt concrete pavement at various ratios of their thicknesses is carried out. It is shown that an increase in the thickness of the upper layer can lead to an increase in shear and normal tensile stresses initiated in it. Therefore, when designing bridge structures, these features should be additionally taken into account.

Author Biographies

Viktor Gaidaichuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics

Liudmyla Shevchuk, National Transport University

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of higher mathematics


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