Numerical-analytical approach to solving problems of non-stationary thermal conductivity of a non-thin annular plate
thermal conductivity, convective heat transfer, dimension reduction, modified method of lines, projection method, reduced equations, trigonometric series, basic functionsAbstract
This paper considers the first stage of calculating the initial boundary value problem of non-stationary thermal conductivity of cylindrical bodies using a modified method of lines, namely dimension reduction of the original differential equations, initial and boundary conditions. The original equations of thermal conductivity are defined in a cylindrical coordinate system in a spatial setting. An object is a cylindrical body with commensurate dimensions. This area of research is relevant, because when calculating the load bearing elements of structures to thermal effects, the first step is to determine the distribution of temperature fields. Boundary conditions are considered as conditions of convective heat transfer, which by means of boundary transition are transformed into boundary conditions of the first and second types.
Dimension reduction with respect to spatial coordinate is performed by the Bubnov-Galorkin-Petrov projection method using local basis functions. These functions are called "cover" functions, which are related to the lines drawn on the domain of the task. Normalized trigonometric series are used to reduce the dimensionality of the equations with respect to circular coordinate. All transformations are performed in index form. In addition to differential equations, the projection method reduces the dimensionality of the initial and boundary conditions. In this paper, the most optimal form of writing reduced equations is determined, which provides the ease of reducing the dimensionality of the original differential equations. Initial and boundary conditions take into account the impact of the environment. All this makes it possible to set a reduced initial boundary value problem for further calculation by numerical finite difference methods.
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