Determination of stress intensity coefficients using PC LIRA CAD




finite element method, crack, stress intensity factor


Today, the issue of involving fracture mechanics approaches to the calculation of structures with cracks is becoming more and more relevant. For the most part, the implementation of such approaches is carried out using software complexes in which the finite element method is implemented. Among them, such software complexes as Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran stand out, where the implementation of fracture mechanics approaches is constantly being improved. However, the cost of licenses for the use of such complexes, especially in the conditions of Ukraine, does not allow most researchers to fully use such programs. Therefore, it is relevant to study the possibility of applying fracture mechanics approaches in software complexes, the use of which is free. In construction, a significant number of structures are isotropic bodies. Operation of most of them is accompanied by elastic deformations. If there are cracks in them, the load-bearing capacity is assessed using stress intensity factors (SIF). This article examines the possibility of determining the TIN based on the results of the specified stress-strain state  obtained with the help of the free software package "PC LIRA-SAPR 2016 R5 (non-commercial)".

The calculation of SIF is performed by a direct method based on the determined distribution of displacements and stresses around the crack tip. The crack is modeled by setting appropriate boundary conditions.

Implementation of the direct method is performed in 2 ways. According to the 1st method, the SIF calculation is performed in the apical area according to the values of stresses and displacements. According to the 2nd method, the SIF is calculated by moving the node closest to the top of the crack. Approbation of the approaches was carried out on the test problem of tension of a plate with a central crack. A study of the influence of the dimensionality of the discrete model and the types of finite elements both outside the apex region and in the apex region itself was conducted. The obtained results showed the possibility of obtaining reliable SIF values in this software complex in two ways, subject to compliance with certain rules for building a discrete model.

Author Biographies

Oleksii Shkryl, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of Construction Mechanics

Yurii Maksymiuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the Department of Construction Mechanics

Volodymyr Dolgoshey, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sykorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute“

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of the department of applied physics

Vladyslav Buchko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Graduate student of the Department of Construction Mechanics


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