Computer simulation of the stress-strain state of thin plates and cylindrical shells with a circular hole reinforced by an inclusion from functionally graded material
elastic plate, thin-walled cylindrical shell, circular hole, annular inclusion, functionally graded material, stress-strain state, stress concentration factor, FEM analysisAbstract
Computer simulation and FEM analysis of the stress-strain state of thin plates and thin-walled cylindrical shells, weakened by a circular hole in the presence of an annular inclusion of a functionally graded material (FGM) surrounding it, have been carried out. The influence of the dimensions of the FGM-inclusion and the law of change of its elastic modulus on the concentration of the parameters of the stress-strain state of plates and shells in the vicinity of the hole is studied. The distribution of stress and strain intensities in the zones of local stress concentration is obtained. It has been established that when using a radially inhomogeneous FGM-inclusion with certain mechanical properties, it is possible to reduce the stress concentration factor by more than 35%. The law of change in the modulus of elasticity of the FGM-inclusion and the width of the inclusion have a significant effect not only on the concentration of the parameters of the stress-strain state of the plate and shell, but also on the nature of the stress distribution over their surfaces. The results of a series of large-scale computational experiments show that the use of an FGM annular inclusion makes it possible to reduce the intensity of both stresses and deformations around the hole.
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