Behavior to shear force of a reinforced bar in the concrete
reinforcing bar, concrete, dowel action, Winkler spring, concrete crushing, ultimate limit stateAbstract
In the existing design practice, there are quite a lot of cases when it is necessary to take into account the behavior of the reinforcing bar located in the concrete to the shear force. Such behavior is interpreted as a dowel action in the reinforcement. The dowel action occurs and requires consideration when calculating the shear force at the intersection of longitudinal reinforcement with a critical inclined crack, calculations of joints of prefabricated and monolithic structures of columns with beams, joints of slabs, roadway pavements, structural connections for precast concrete buildings, column anchors and other cases. Numerous experimental and theoretical studies have been devoted to the study of the dowel action in the reinforcement. However, the existing methods of calculation, primarily practical, still remain far from perfect. This work presents the results of theoretical research of the dowel action in longitudinal reinforcement, based on the systematization and analysis of experimental researches and practical design methods developed on their basis. A reinforcing bar located in the concrete was considered as a beam on an elastic base, for which the effective bending length, Foundation modulus is determined, then the forces in the bar are determined and the cases of reaching the ultimate limit state, both in the bar itself and in the surrounding concrete (crushing of concrete under the bar). At the same time, corresponding design dependencies were obtained and comparison with experimental data was performed, which revealed a fairly high accuracy of the developed calculation method.
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