Volumetric-planning decision of buildings of spiritual educational complexes
Multiculturalism, Polyreligious Space, Tolerance, Spiritual Educational Complex, Spiritual Educational InstitutionAbstract
In the modern world, the issue of finding mechanisms for interaction between different religions, increasing the level of tolerance and tolerance towards representatives of other cultures is becoming increasingly relevant and necessary. Strengthening intercultural and interreligious ties will help avoid many conflicts. In this regard, the issue of forming modern spiritual educational complexes with a comfortable multicultural environment for the preparation of tolerant, highly educated public and religious figures is extremely relevant. The purpose of this study is to develop rational volume-planning solutions and recommendations for the design of modern spiritual and educational complexes for representatives of various religions of the world. Also relevant is the search for expressive, modern architectural solutions for these complexes, the architecture of which, at the same time, would not contradict certain canons. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to conduct the research (the method of comparative analysis, field survey of functioning domestic and foreign spiritual educational institutions, grapho-analytical method, which was used to develop several optimal modern volume-planning models, etc.). As a result of the study, scientific principles and recommendations were formulated for the design of a modern spiritual and educational complex for representatives of different religions to obtain different levels of education: from primary to higher education. A functional-planning and volume-spatial analysis of the modern spiritual complex was carried out and the necessary optimal composition of premises was proposed to ensure comprehensive education, as well as intellectual and spiritual development. The use of developed and proposed scientific principles for the design of modern spiritual complexes will contribute to the formation of a harmonious multicultural environment, as well as increasing religious tolerance in society, achieving cultural and religious unity, reducing the level of aggression and intolerance.
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