Development and computer testing of equipment for cutting soils with spatially oriented knives of a bulldozer blade
parametrization, computer testing, bulldozer blade, cutting force, spatially oriented, angle of rotation in plan, test stand, paraffinAbstract
The paper uses approaches to the creation and computer testing of a model of an experimental installation for cutting soil with spatially oriented working bodies of earthmoving machines used on construction sites. Today, there is a need for the efficient performance of construction work related to the operation of construction machinery with blade equipment. This, in turn, poses the task of determining the productivity of mechanized earthworks in various working environments. The main method of mechanical soil development is cutting. The main geometric conditions are the position of the cutting wedge edge relative to the cutting direction and the surface of the massif, the contour of the cutting edge, the contour and number of working surfaces of the cutting wedge, the number of so-called side cutting surfaces and the so-called blocked cutting surfaces. The peculiarity of the digging process is that its power and energy indicators depend on the kinematic conditions and geometric parameters - thickness, width and cut area, as well as on the angles of orientation of the working body in space. The creation of such a computer model of the experimental setup is due to the need for continuous improvement of existing equipment and the creation of new equipment to meet existing needs. The model of the experimental setup was created in accordance with the working hypothesis, where the movement of the spatially oriented knife occurs perpendicular to the movement of the blade equipment, at different ratios of the speed of the blade and the movement of the knife, which creates a simple interaction with the working environment, and the deviation of the application of the full cutting force by an angle α. According to the working hypothesis, depending on the plan of movement of the spatially oriented knife, its geometric interaction with the working environment changes and the cutting force changes accordingly. The necessity to create more productive and efficient earthmoving equipment requires the use of modern design solutions. Using the calculations of soil cutting by spatially oriented earthmoving tools in the form of a dihedral blade of dump equipment, a computer study of stress equivalents, linear displacement, yield strength factor, tensile strength factor, and loss of stability factor was carried out. The results are summarized in the form of tabular data and graphical display.
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