Аnalysis of methods for calculating the penetrating effect of the main types of missiles and fragmentation damage to the structures of protective constructions
engineering defense structures, fortification structures, critical infrastructure objects, damage factors, blast-shock wave, building structuresAbstract
Relevance. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia raised a number of questions, including those related to the construction of defensive and fortification structures. It turned out that this direction in our country was practically undeveloped. There is a lack of regulatory framework for accounting for many specific factors, such as blast waves, penetration of projectiles and fragments. It is worth noting separately that means of attack are constantly evolving and improving, while the scientific approach to countering them has almost stagnated worldwide. This article is dedicated to reviewing existing methodologies that can be applied in calculating elements of construction for fragment penetration. Choosing the right methodology for calculations will help develop a methodical approach to designing fortifications and structures for the engineering protection of critical infrastructure objects, which is currently a very important and relevant task. This approach could eventually be included in specialized regulatory documents for calculating and designing defensive and fortification structures, significantly improving their quality and reliability considering modern wartime threats.. The aim of this work is to review of existing methods of engineering and analytical calculations of penetration of protective barriers by the main elements of damage from enemy attack means. The importance of choosing the right calculation methodology for different types of threats and materials of protective obstacles is a very important task for the proper design of fortifications and protective structures. Results. The paper considers the existing world methods of penetrating effects of various kinds of destructive elements (missile warheads, shells, bullets, fragments). The question of the need to develop a clear engineering methodology for calculating the penetrating effect of all possible destructive elements in obstacles of various materials is raised. The algorithms for calculating fragmentation damage from various types of ammunition, as well as for calculating the protective properties of fortifications and engineering defenses are presented.
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