Investigation of the influence of geometric and physico-mechanical parameters of bearing layers and polymer filler on the oscillation process of a layered cylindrical shell at non-stationary load
three-layer cylindrical shell, polymer aggregate, finite element model, non-stationary load, bearing layerAbstract
Dynamic transient processes are studied and the results of the assessment of the influence of geometrical, physicaland mechanical parameters of bearing layers and polymer aggregate on the behavior of a three-layer cylindrical shell structure under non-stationary impulse loading are given. The used model of the theory of shells and rods by S.P. Tymoshenko, taking into account independent static and kinematic hypotheses for each layer of the structure. Numerical calculations of normal deflections and normal stresses of the load-bearing layers of the structure, which determine its stress-strain state (STS), have been performed. The finite-element model was created using a three-dimensional volumetric finite element of the Solid type, which, according to quality criteria: narrowing and curvature, internal angles and other indicators, met the requirements for providing a calculation mesh at the finite-element level.Variants of the structure with discrete-symmetric rib-reinforced aggregate of different elasticity are considered. A comparative analysis of the deflections and stresses of the load-bearing layers of the structure with the parameters of the light aggregate is given: Е1;2/Еt=500 and Е1;2/Еt=50.The general trend of all the considered cases of the study of the dynamics of the three-layer cylindrical shell structure was found to be a significant response to the change in the modulus of elasticity of the light aggregate, the value of which significantly affects the nature of its oscillationsThe article shows that the parameters of the geometry of the bearing layers of the structure, the physical and mechanical properties of their material, and the elasticity of the aggregate significantly affect the dynamics of oscillatory processes of cylindrical shell structures under non-stationary loading.
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