Analysis of the stress state of the bolted connection taking into account the bolt tension
semi-analytical finite element method, finite element method, bolted joint, contact stresses, stress concentration factor, uniform heating loadAbstract
One of the most crucial and important points in the design of a structure is the calculation of the connection elements of the nodes, since the reliability of the structureas a whole depends on the accuracy and reliability of the calculation results. Designs chemesare often simplified to reduce labor costs in the calculation of node elements, but this approach sometimes does not allow for a full analysis of the distribution of forces, which can be critical forcerta in types of structures. The main types of joint are welded, riveted and bolted. Bolted joint have many advantages over other types, namely: high manufactur ability, reliability, and speed of installation work. The various approaches to modeling of bolted joint are considered and compired in this paper.
Currently, one of the most effective and least time-consuming means of numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of spatial bodies, including bolted joint, can be considered a semi-analytical finite element method (SFEM).
The bolt body, bolt head and nut were modeled by spatial elements, and the bolt tension was modeled by concentrated and distributed forces and the load from uniform heating, combining displacements in the nodes, and fixing displacements along the contour.
There sults obtained with different approaches to modeling bolt tensionallowustoconcludethatthereis a slight difference in the stress distribution in the spatial formulation of the FEM and SFEM and made it possible to detect discrepancies in the stressed state of the bolted joint for the case of taking bolt tensionin to account.
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