Experimental studies of the influence of hydrogen and sulfur on sulfide-corrosion destruction under tension of pipelines





crack resistance, cracking, sulfides, hydrogen, sulfur


For the first time, comprehensive experimental studies of the influence of hydrogen and sulfur on sulphide stress corrosion cracking (SCR) of pipe steels in a corrosive-aggressive environment of NACE were carried out. In the research, experimental steels of the 06G2BA and 08KHMCHA brands, which are widely used in the construction of pipelines for various purposes, were used an analytical system (analyzer of non-stationary processes – ANP) was developed and tested in laboratory conditions, into which the installation for tests on corrosion-mechanical cracking under stress was integrated. For the first time, comprehensive experimental studies of pipe steel samples of grades 06G2BA and 08KHMCHA under the influence of sulfur and hydrogen were carried out, which made it possible to develop an understanding of the mechanisms of SCDS (sulphide-corrosion destruction under stress) and HID (hydrogen-initiated destruction). For the first time, experimental studies of the corrosion kinetics of 06G2BA and 08KHMCHA steels were carried out depending on the duration of the tests in the NACE model environment, while three periods of the formation of corrosion products were determined. It was found that sulfur and hydrogen, which are dissolved in test pipe steels, have a strong influence on the growth rate of corrosion cracks of SCDS, which made it possible to determine the optimal content of sulfur and hydrogen in steel 06G2BA. It is shown on the basis of the results of experimental studies that to ensure high crack resistance of pipe steels under conditions of static and cyclic loads both in air and in conditions of corrosive-aggressive environments, the sulfur content should not exceed 0.015-0.020%, and the dissolved hydrogen content should not exceed 2-3 ppm . The obtained results make it possible to improve pipe steels in the process of their smelting at metallurgical enterprises thanks to the use of economical modification with niobium, chromium, cerium and other impurities, which contribute to the fragmentation of the structure and reduce the content of non-metallic inclusions and harmful impurities.

Author Biographies

Valerii Makarenko, Kherson National Technical University

Doctor of technical sciences, professor

Volodymyr Gots, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of technology of construction structures and products

Yuliia Makarenko, Manitoba Medical University

Master's degree

Olena Chygyrynets’, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry

Volodymyr Savenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of technical sciences, professor of the department of construction organization and management


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