Мethodical approach to the calculation of field fortification structure for the action of penetrating radiation





field fortifications, penetrating radiation, gamma radiation, neutrons


The purpose of the article is to publicize a methodical approach to the calculation of field fortification structures for the action of penetrating radiation.

The experience of the Russian-Ukrainian war testifies to the aggravation of potential nuclear threats from the Russian Federation, in the case of which, in the event of their implementation, ensuring the survivability of our troops due to the radiation factor during hostilities will be significantly complicated. This development of events requires the Defense Forces of Ukraine to be constantly ready for action in the event of the enemy's use of nuclear weapons, and to strengthen the capabilities of the troops to protect against the impact factors of a nuclear explosion.The most effective way to protect troops in the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons is their shelter in field fortifications, the construction and covering of which will prevent or maximally reduce the impact of the impact factors of a nuclear explosion, in particular, penetrating radiation.The essence of the proposed methodological approach consists in the consistent determination of the dose of gamma radiation and neutrons inside the field fortification structure, taking into account a number of indicators, which will allow us to draw a conclusion about the compliance of the coating and construction of this fortification structure with the existing requirements for the protection of troops.The scientific novelty of the given methodical approach to the calculation of field fortification structures for the action of penetrating radiation consists in the comprehensive consideration of indicators that quantitatively characterize the main characteristics of a nuclear explosion, the conditions of the environment and the properties of various covering materials and the construction of field fortification structures.

Author Biographies

Vitalii Kosenko, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Candidate of military sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher

Oleksandr Voloshchenko, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Candidate of military sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher


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