Environmentally safe installation for determining the fire resistance of coatings and fire resistance tests of small fragments building structures
installation for fire resistance tests, standard temperature regime, fire protection efficiency, radiant heating panel, thermocouple, building structure, temperature controller, small fragment, ecologicalAbstract
Actuality. Taking into account fire statistics, the task of preventing the occurrence and spread of fires is urgent. It is obvious that the fire resistance of building structures, which must be taken into account at the design stage, is of the greatest importance and influence on the development and spread of fires in buildings and structures. Conducting fire experiments makes it possible to obtain the most complete information about the behavior of building structures under fire effects, however, the scale of field tests, labor-intensiveness, energy consumption and damage to the environment prompts the search and development of alternative methods that would ensure the environmental friendliness of the tests, compliance with the conditions of the experiment ( standard fire temperature regime), and at the same time would make it possible to estimate the limit of fire resistance of a building structure in reduced dimensions or to experimentally determine the fire-resistant ability (efficiency) of fire-resistant coatings. Purpose. The main goal of the article is rationale use of an installation for determining the fire-resistant capacity (efficiency) of fire-resistant coatings and fire resistance tests of small-sized fragments of building structures, taking into account the reduction of the harmful load on the environment. Main results. Research has been carried out and the design features of the installation have been substantiated, the principle of which is to heat the inner space of the chamber with the help of electric heating elements, which, unlike liquid fuel (diesel fuel, fuel oil, gas), do not harm the environment. A control unit-module of variable voltage regulation designed to regulate the heating temperature of the radiation panel in the test chamber has been developed. The design of the created test setup makes it possible to increase or decrease the temperature on the heating surface of the test sample, not only with the help of the heating temperature regulator, but also in manual mode, by moving the test sample closer or further away from the radiation panel along the guides. Conclusions. According to the results of experimental tests, it was established that the chamber of the installation warms up uniformly and according to the standardized temperature-time dependence Ts = 345lg (8t+1)+20). At the same time, the temperature regulation process using BP-10 with triac output ensures stable operation of electric heating elements up to temperatures of 1000 °C. A feature of the created installation is the possibility of additional lowering or raising of the temperature on the heating surface of the experimental sample, in case of its deviation during the experiment, by means of approaching or moving away from the sample to the heating panel. The conducted studies confirm the necessary reproducibility of experimental results.
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