Deformation of layered soil




two-layer soil support of the structure, stress function, mechanical properties of the material, stress, displacement, deformations


One of the consequences of the aggression of the russian federation in Ukraine is a change in the properties of the surface layers of some regions of the soil. Construction of structures in such areas must be carried out considering the above. In order to create prerequisites for taking into account the artificially created layering of the soil, an algorithm for analytical determination of the stress-strain state of a two-layered soil was developed in a linear setting within the limits of plane deformation. Layers are considered as linear elastic bodies of limited dimensions in the plan. The algorithm is based on the Ery stress function with arbitrary coefficients, on the dependence of the indicators of the stress-strain state of the soil layers on it and on the mechanical indicators of the material of the layers, the thickness of the artificially formed surface layer. The algorithm provides for the formulation of the load conditions by the normally distributed force of part of the soil surface, the conditions of the interaction of the layers, and the unlimited thickness of the main soil layer.The listed conditions and features of the layers constitute a system of linear algebraic equations. The solution of the system of levels provides an opportunity to determine the coefficients of the stress function and, accordingly, to determine the indicators of the stress-strain state of the two-layer soil support. The generalization of the results, carried out by planning the experiment for the selected limits of possible realizations of the mechanical properties of the soil layers, allows for determining the deflections of the surfaces of the layers depending on individual factors.The following is established. The characteristics of the dependences of the deflections of the layer surfaces on other parameters are similar. Maximum deflections decrease with increasing surface layer thickness. Deflections of the interaction surface of the soil layers are linearly dependent on the Poisson ratio of the main soil layer and decrease as the ratio increases. The results obtained within the limits of the linear formulation can be considered sufficiently reliable because they are obtained analytically and generalized by the methods of the linear theory of elasticity and the method of planning the experiment.

Author Biographies

Ivan Belmas, Dnipro State Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Welding Technology

Alik Trikilo, Dnipro State Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Secretary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department

Olena Bilous, Dnipro State Technical University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department

Hanna Tantsura, Dnipro State Technical University

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Welding Technology

Oleksandr Fesan, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of technical sciences, leading researcher


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