Influence of perforation on static characteristics of the enclosing corrugated panel under the wind action




corrugated panel, perforation, wind, finite element method, static stress analysis, stability


The application of the enclosing panels with perforation in construction practice for protective structures is economic advantageous due to reduction of financial costs for their production, transportation and installation. But influence of perforation on static and dynamic characteristics of the enclosing panels was not enough investigated. With the purpose of wind protection of the buildings and structures at the Ukrainian Antarctic station „Akademik Vernadsky” static stress and stability analyses of the protective structure were executed in according with the first and second groups of limit states of State building regulations of Ukraine. The protective structure as the enclosing corrugated steel panel and supporting columns was appeared. In the article the results of numeral research of the stress strain state and stability of the corrugated panel are presented. The panel width and height were accepted permanent, and a panel thickness was explored and accepted according to requirements for its stiffness, strength and stability. The four corrugations in the form of trapezoids are located along the panel height. Perforation of the panel in the form of round holes with a radius of 12.5 mm was presented. Two finite element models of the corrugated panel using the software NASTRAN were built. The corrugated panel without perforation model as a collection of rectangular shell finite elements with six degrees of freedom at the node was modeled. This model contained 35161 finite elements and 32540 nodes. The finite element model of the enclosing corrugated panel with perforation contained 383043 triangular shell finite elements with six degrees of freedom at the node and 211609 nodes. Boundary conditions were imposed on the modal nodes along the height on both sides of the corrugated panel in the form of fixing, taking into account its rigid attachment to the columns. Wind action on the enclosing panel was presented as uniform distributed static load, the limit calculation values of which were got according to State building regulations of Ukraine and statistical data of wind at the Ukrainian Antarctic station. The main attention was given to research of influence of perforation on the corrugated panel equivalent stresses and displacements, critical values of wind load and form of loss of corrugated panel stability. Computational procedures of static stress and stability analyses of software NASTRAN were applied.

Author Biographies

Olga Lukianchenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, leading researcher of the Research Institute of Construction Mechanics of KNUBA

Serhii Tsybulnyk, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sykorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute“

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of computer-integrated optical and navigation systems

Andrii Kozak, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Construction Mechanics

Oleh Gerashchenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher of the Research Institute of Construction Mechanics

Iryna Kara, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Construction Mechanics


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