Definition of the stress-strain state of a glued laminated timber beam reinforced with composite strips using experimental method




electrotensometry, clock-type indicator, glued laminated timber, glued laminated timber constructions, composite strips, stress, stress-strain state, reinforcement with composite strips, strain gauges


The trend in the development of the construction industry worldwide requires increasing attention to ecological aspects, which means that materials with minimal negative impact on the environment are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, these materials must possess high strength and durability against various external influences and loads. From this perspective, constructions made of wood and its derivatives are gaining the most popularity. Such constructions, made from renewable natural resources, exhibit relatively high strength at relatively low density, thus belonging to such materials. Although wood has its drawbacks, such as susceptibility to drying, rotting, and anisotropy of properties, these drawbacks can be completely mitigated in glued laminated timber structures. Glued laminated timber beams, which are the primary structural element of many buildings and structures, are the most widespread. Therefore, the issue of significantly increasing their rigidity and strength through reinforcement with composite materials is particularly relevant.

This article proposes a methodology for determining the stress-strain state of a glued laminated timber beam reinforced with composite strips. The results include deformation parameters of the experimental model, actual elastic modules during bending, maximum longitudinal stresses at the center of the span, along the load application axis, and along the support axis. Additionally, maximum transverse and shear stresses along the load application axis and along the support axis are determined. The actual maximum load-bearing capacity of the experimental model reinforced with composite strips is established.

Author Biographies

Mykola Komar, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Graduate student of the department of metal and wooden structures

Denys Mykhailovskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, professor of the department of metal and wooden structures


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