Monitoring of structures with bearing elements in the form of long vertical rods
long rod, position errors, influencing factors, rod stability, tensely-deformed state, monitoring tasksAbstract
A building structure is considered, which in the design form consists of two vertical rectilinear interacting elements. One of them is loading, the other is carrying. The bearing element is presented in the form of a long thin rod loaded with an external axial vertical force. Due to the errors of geodetic verification and installation work, the bearing rod will be installed with some inclination and displacement relative to the coordinate axes. The external load on the bearing element is represented by the force vector, which is equivalent to the loading rod. Errors of geodetic verification and installation work will change the design direction of the force line and its design position on the supporting element. An inclined force vector will have a vertical and horizontal force component. Thus, the line of action of the loading force and the longitudinal axis of the supporting rod will be located at an angle to each other, which will cause bending momentsand transverse forces in the sections of the rod. A design "changed" in relation to the project is created. Bending moments and horizontal forces in this design will contribute to premature bending of the rod. An unevenly heated rod also acquires the ability to distort. The influence of the specified factors can be increased, and the stability of the rod significantly weakened due to uneven subsidence, horizontal displacement or tilting of the supporting structure due to dangerous exogenous geological processes. Therefore, errors in the position of elements, changes in temperature, geological processes disrupt the linear form of equilibrium of the bearing rod and its position in space. The change in shape and relative position contributes to the premature emergence of an unstable state under an increasing external load. In the changed design, the bearing rod may suddenly find itself in a critical stress-deformed state. The task of monitoring is to sense and properly record changes and dynamics of the stress-strain state. For this purpose, measuring complexes with a certain configuration are designed, which provide with the necessary specified accuracy the measurement of changes in the physical state of the elements of building structures.
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