Simulation of flood inflammation due to destruction of hydrotechnical structures
emergency situation, hydraulic structure, hydraulic accident, release wave, breakthrough wave, zone of active (passive) flooding, upstream and downstream, proranAbstract
The article presents the new results of scientific researches of technical aspects of forecasting the consequences of emergencies related to hydraulic accidents.Based on the analysis of statistical data, the relevance of the raised issue of the need to improve the existing scientific and methodological apparatus to justify the parameters of the breakthrough wave and the flood zone in the event of destruction of hydraulic structures is substantiated. The attention is focused on the need to take into account the condition of ensuring the consumption of bulk mass of water before the restoration of its domestic level in the lower reaches of the water barrier.This condition is the basis of an improved method for determining the parameters of active and passive flooding of the area, based on a three-dimensional model of the longitudinal section of the breakthrough of the hydraulic structure and the parameters of the breakthrough wave.Based on the results of verification of the proposed methodology, calculations and modeling according to the initial data in accordance with the developed situation of destruction of the hydro unit, a conclusion about the feasibility of its use for forecasting emergencies during hydraulic accidents was made.
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