Interaction of engineering protective structures with the soil base in densely built-up territory
engineering protective structures, retaining wall, stress-strain state, pit, densely built-up territoryAbstract
The article analyzes the operation of the "engineering protective structures-soil massif" system in the zone of influence of the surrounding buildings in the presence of complex engineering and geological conditions. Simulation of the task of setting up a deep pit under the protection with a multi-tiered retaining wall was carried out. The mutual influence of the surrounding buildings and the development of the pit near the new construction, depending on the distance between them, was revealed. The optimal distance between the existing building and the pit of the new construction was determined.
It has been established that taking into account the influence of existing buildings when constructing a pit significantly changes the nature of the stress-deformation state of the soil base and pit enclosure structures, increasing the movement of supporting structures by 12-72% depending on the distance to the house.
It was found that the bending moments in the structure of the fence undergo quantitative and qualitative changes when the distance between the pit and the existing building is reduced. Thus, values of bending moments in piles increase by 25% when the distance is reduced from 20m to 10m, and by 46% when the distance is reduced from 10m to 5m.
It is shown that reducing the distance between the existing building and the pit leads to the occurrence of additional settlements in the foundation structures of the existing building. Thus, vertical deformations when the house is located at a distance of 5 m increase by 35%, compared to a house at a distance of 20 m, which is explained by the building falling into the zone of formation of the slope sliding surface.
It was found that the most rational location of the existing building is in the case when the pit depth is equal to the distance between the house and the face of the pit enclosure structure, since the building does not fall into the zone of influence of the new construction.
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