Adjustment of basement rooms of buildings for shelter for the civilian population
war, Civil Defense Code of Ukraine, protection of the civilian population, the simplest shelters, reinforcement of shelter structures, adaptation of existing basementsAbstract
A feature of the russia's war against Ukraine is the huge number of casualties among the civilian population in the first months of the war.
The insufficient number of protective structures (storages, anti-radiation shelters, dual-purpose structures), their technical condition and availability, as well as recommendations for sheltering the population in the simplest shelters – basements of residential buildings – lead to mass casualties among the civilian population.
The definition of the term "simplest shelter" does not provide for the protection of the population from the effects of the means of destruction, but only the reduction of their effects. According to the definition of regulatory documents, only a part (more or less than half of its height) of basement and basement premises is located below the surface of the ground and, accordingly, these premises are as vulnerable as the above-ground floors.
Normative documents on the protection of the civilian population, which became the basis of the state building regulations of Ukraine in 1997, were developed in the middle of the 20th century, and the changes that were made in 25 years did not change the parameters and equipment of protective structures.
The main goal of the study is to development of measures that provide an opportunity to ensure full protection of the civilian population not involved in the work of critical infrastructure.
The set goal outlined a list of research tasks, namely, reducing the number of victims among the civilian population by adapting the existing basements of multi-story buildings for shelter to protect the population from the effects of conventional means of destruction and the side effects of modern weapons of mass destruction (chemical); fragments of destroyed building structures; of an air shock wave with an estimated excess pressure of not less than ∆Pф =20 kPa (0.2 kg/cm²)
Specialists of the "Renaissance" NGO proposed project solutions for creating shelters in the basements of existing residential buildings by strengthening the structures enclosing the basements.
The listed measures enable the residents of houses living in cities on the territory controlled by Ukraine, but under constant rocket fire, to stay in their houses and rest at night in a protected space.
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