Comparative analysis of dynamic stability of cylindrical and conical shells under periodic axial compression
cylindrical and conical shell, periodic axial compresson, dynamic stability, method of curvilinear grids, parameter continuation method, Newton–Kantorovich methodAbstract
A comparative analysis of the dynamic stability of cylindrical and conical shells with the same geometric and mechanical characteristics under periodic uniformly distributed axial compression was presented. The study of the stability of steady periodic vibrations of thin elastic shells was based on the joint use of the method of curvilinear grids, the projection method and the parameter continuation method combined with the Newton–Kantorovich method. Geometrically nonlinear relations of the thin elastic shells theory are formulated on the basis of the vector approximation of the displacements function in the general curvilinear coordinate system in tensor form and satisfy the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. The discretization of the differential equations of the steady forced vibrations in the direction of the generating shells using the method of curvilinear grids was carried out. The components of the elements displacement vectors of the shells middle surface in the circular directionare approximated by trigonometric series. Reduction of the number of generalized coordinates of the discrete dynamic model of shells steady forced vibrations was performed by the Bubnov-Galerkin basis reduction method. A transition from vector ordinary differential equations to a nonlinear system of algebraic equations was made. The construction of a mathematical model of the dynamic stability of steady forced nonlinear vibrations of thin elastic shells was performed according to Floquet's theory using the projection method. The criterion for the loss of stability was the equality to zero of the determinant of the matrix of linearized equations of steady forced nonlinear vibrations of shells according to the Lyapunov theorem. A comparative analysis of frequencies and modes of natural vibrations of cylindrical and conical shells with the same geometric and mechanical characteristics and boundary conditions was performed. Nonlinear steady vibrations of the shells due to periodic axial compression were studied. The critical values of the dynamic load and the corresponding forms of loss of shell stability in the range of lower frequencies of their natural vibrations were obtained.
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