Conditions for simulation of transonic flutter of aerodynamic control surfaces of supersonic aircraft in wind tunnels
transonic flutter, supersonic aircraft, aerodynamic control surface, oscillations, dynamic-like model, wind tunnel, mathematical model, flight number MAbstract
The transonic flutter of the aerodynamic control surfaces of supersonic and hypersonic aircraft refers to those phenomena of dynamic aeroelasticity, the assessment of whichin a flight experiment is dangerous. Since there is still no universally accepted mathematical model of the occurrence of this phenomenon, tests of dynamic-like models in wind tunnels can be classified as basic and safe methods for evaluating the characteristics of transonic flutter. Therefore, the substantiation of the conditions for modeling transonic flutter, which allow the transfer of the results of blowing of dynamic-like models in wind tunnels to full-scale aircraft designs, remains an actual scientific problem.The article proposes one of the possible approaches to justifying the conditions for modeling transonic flutter of aerodynamic control surfaces in wind tunnels, which is based on the analysis of a nonlinear mathematical model of the occurrence of this phenomenon.Based on the analysis of this mathematical model, it was determined that, in addition to the conditions for modeling transonic flutter in wind tunnels, which are due to the geometric similarity of the system "carrying aerodynamic surface – aerodynamic control surface", additional conditions for modeling this phenomenon should be the following dimensionless quantities of nature and model:- amplitudes of oscillations of nature and model;- numbers M at which transonic flutter occurs;- logarithmic decrements of oscillations of aerodynamic control surfaces;- Strouhal numbers;- ratio of gas density to material density of aerodynamic control surfaces;- the adiabatic index k=1.405, that is, the working body in the wind tunnel should be air.Blowing of dynamically similar models must be carried out in wind tunnels of a continuous type, subject to conditions (s-1).
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