Determination of the enclosed-type field fortifications structures resistance against the nuclear explosion shock wave




design loads, structural stability, shock wave of a nuclear explosion


The purpose of the article is to publish the results of research on determining the stability of the structures of enclosed-type field fortification structures against the nuclear explosion shock wave.

Having received a worthy repulse of aggression, assessing its losses and the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia moved to direct threats to use nuclear weapons.

With this development of the war, the protection of our troops must be carried out by sheltering personnel, weapons and equipment in the enclosed type field fortifications; the stability of these structures must be sufficient, in particular, to counteract the nuclear explosion shock wave.

Calculation of the stability of such structures against the nuclear explosion shock wave is proposed to be carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the estimated loads of the nuclear explosion shock wave on the main protective elements of the fortification are calculated. The calculation is based on the law of similarity during explosions, which allows determining the parameters of the shock wave at different distances from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

At the second stage, the actual stress during dynamic loads, which occurs as a result of the impact of a shock wave on the structure of a certain fortification structure, is determined.

The basis of the calculations at this stage is the determination of the moment of resistance of the fortification structure elements, the load intensity, the bending moment for an evenly distributed load on the main structural elements, and the compressive force transmitted through these elements.

Each stage of calculations is illustrated by examples. The proposed procedure for determining the stability of structures of the enclosed-type field fortifications against the nuclear explosion shock wave allows you to choose the material of the right size for these structures, which will ensure the stability of their functioning and the necessary survivability of personnel during a nuclear explosion.

Author Biographies

Vitalii Kosenko, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

candidate of military sciences, senior researcher 3 NSU

Oleksandr Voloshchenko, Central Research Institute of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

candidate of military sciences, senior researcher, leading researcher 3 NSU

Mykola Kushnirenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Construction Mechanics


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