Engineering method of calculating laminated timber elements reinforced with composite tapes




reinforcement, analytical method of calculation, laminated, finite element method, laminated timber structures, efficient geometric cross-section characteristics, efficient elasticity modulus


Annotation. In today's world, construction requires environmentally friendly materials that cause minimal damage to the environment. At the same time, they must have great strength and be resistant to various types of external influences. Timber structures, which are made of renewable natural materials and have a relatively high strength, can rightfully be considered as such material. Despite the fact that timber itself has certain negative properties, namely the tendency to shrink and swell, rot, anisotropy of properties, which requires special attention in construction, in laminated timber structures (LTS) these disadvantages are already more manageable. Beams are one of the main laminated timber structures. Laminated timber beams reinforcement allows to significantly increasing their stiffness and strength.

The article proposes a methodology for calculating laminated timber elements of rectangular section reinforced with composite tapes. Refined formulas for determining the efficient geometric and mechanical characteristics are provided. The proposed method was compared with another analytical method of calculation and with the numerical method of modeling in the LIRA-CAD software complex using the finite element method. It was proved that this method of reinforcing laminated timber structures is promising and relevant.

Author Biographies

Denys Mykhailovskyi, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

doctor of technical sciences, professor, professor of the department of metal and wooden structures

Mykola Komar, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

postgraduate student of the department of metal and wooden structures


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