Сlassification and causes of shearing processes and methods of calculating slopes
landslides, landslide-prone and landslide-prone territory, sliding surface, stability coefficient, slope calculation methodsAbstract
The article reflects the results of a systematic analysis of scientific and technical literature for the purpose of studying the existing classifications of landslides and landslide processes, the reasons for the activation of landslides, as well as normative and traditional methods of calculating the stability of slopes.
The constant need to attract new sites for construction leads to the active use of areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions, including landslide and landslide-prone areas. The use of such areas entails certain risks and is a complex engineering task. Solving this problem is impossible without a detailed analysis of the existing state of the slope and a forecast of its behavior under the influence of potential natural and man-made influences. Various classifications of landslides, landslide processes and landslide systems are considered in the article . It is noted that there is still no generally accepted classification of landslides, which is due to the difference in terminological and conceptual bases in different countries. The complexity and heterogeneity of the morphology and genesis of slopes, as well as a large number of natural and man-made factors that can affect it, actually make it impossible to develop a unified classification convenient for use in various cases. An analysis of scientific and technical literature was carried out in order to identify natural and technogenicfactors that have an impact on the development of shear deformations.
The work considers normative and traditional methods of calculating slopes. According to normative documents, general requirements and recommendations for the calculation of landslide and landslide-prone slopes are given. The division of analytical methods into certain groups, performed by different authors, and a brief overview of the most common methods are considered. These methods have certain advantages and disadvantages, which determine the rationality of their application in various conditions.
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