Study of non-metallic reinforcement influence on the characteristics of cement concrete beam samples properties
fiberglass reinforcement, cement concrete, reinforcement, modulus of elasticityAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the strength characteristics of beams reinforced with non-matel rods. Tests were performed on concrete samples reinforced with composite and metal reinforcement of different diameters. Based on the results of the study, the tensile strength in bending and the modulus of elasticity of beams with composite reinforcement were determined. Graphs of the dependence of the beam deflections on the load are constructed based on the results of testing concrete samples reinforced with metal and polymer reinforcement. A comparative analysis of the work of metal and polymer reinforcement in concrete was carried out using the example of a rod with a diameter of 8 mm, which indicated higher strength characteristics of composite reinforcement. In turn, the tensile strength in bending of samples with composite and steel reinforcement, respectively, with a diameter of 8 mm and 10 mm has adjacent values. This allows in practice to use composite reinforcement with a smaller cross section.
The corresponding work of reinforced concrete samples was modeled in the Lira-SAPR software package. The simulation results showed that the reduced deflection of beams reinforced with composite rods at a load of 30 kN, 40 kN has an average deviation of -22%. At the same time, the reduced deflection of samples reinforced with metal rods has a higher convergence with the experimental values and a discrepancy within 10%. Thus, the modeling of the operation of beams with composite reinforcement in software systems requires clarification, or the introduction of additional coefficients in the calculations.
The results of testing samples of beams and analysis of the properties of non-metallic reinforcement make it possible to prepare proposals for the use of a new type of reinforcement and engineering calculation of cement concrete structures reinforced with fiberglass rods.
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