Theoretical modelling of the effect of thermal delamination of an asphalt concrete pavement from a rigid foundation of a road or bridge
asphalt concrete pavement, rigid base, high-gradient shear stresses, local delaminationsAbstract
In the practice of road construction, one of the most common phenomena accompanied by delamination, subsequent cracking and destruction of the asphalt concrete pavement on a rigid (cement concrete or metal) base of a road or bridge is the effect of concentration of shear thermal stresses between the pavement and the base in the edge zones of the structure. They are caused by the fact that, as a rule, the coefficients of linear thermal expansion of the phases of the system have different values, which contributes to the occurrence of incompatible shrinkages and expansions in them. Under conditions of frequent temperature changes in heterogeneous asphalt concrete structures with thermomechanical incompatibility of their components, these effects can contribute to their accelerated aging. At the same time, with the thermomechanical compatibility of materials, a more favorable distribution of internal stresses of thermal and mechanical origin is achieved, which excludes premature degradation of the strength of the contacting phases and the entire system as a whole. Using the methods of strengthof materials and the finite element method, it has been established that under the conditions of a change in the temperature of the system during its seasonal and daily fluctuations, shear stresses are subjected to the highest concentration. They are localized in the edge zone of the plane of contact between the layers and increase with an increase in the thickness and modulus of elasticity of the upper layer. These stresses are the main reason for the occurrence of plastic deformations in these zones and subsequent delamination of the structure in them. It is proposed to reduce the concentration and level of generated high-gradient shear stresses by reducing the thickness of the asphalt concrete layer in these areas.
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