Peculiarities of technique of teaching technical disciplines in the institution of higher education of the building profile
educational process, methods of teaching technical disciplines in the institution of higher education of construction profile, student-centered approach, educational program, professional competencies, content of education, stages of implementation of teaching methodsAbstract
In order to determine the importance of modernizing the operational component of educational activities, further scientific development of theoretical and technological components of teaching technical disciplines in higher education institution of construction profile, the determinants that determine the peculiarities of their teaching methods were clarified. The main approaches to the formation of the content of education and components of interactive educational technology, focused on the priority of personality-oriented learning to achieve its goals and objectives. Analysis of scientific research on the methodological aspects of the educational process made it possible to define the concept of methods of teaching technical disciplines in higher education in construction as a set of psychological and pedagogical components containing a specific educational goal, subjects of the didactic process, operational elements, educational information technology and technical and resource support, which ensures the achievement of the projected result through their optimal selection, scientific substantiation of the feasibility of application, objective assessment of the achievement of the goal, proper adjustment and mobile allocation of resources. It is established that the solution of the tasks of the modern educational process in the institution of higher education of construction profile to ensure its compliance with the needs of the labor market is associated with the implementation of the competence approach. Among the main means of personality-oriented learning for the formation of professional competence of students are competence-oriented tasks as integrative didactic units of content, technology and monitoring the quality of student training, which are focused not only on learning but also developing skills to acquire and actively use linking current issues in specific production conditions with predictable consequences. The content of actual conditions for personalization of students' education and recommendations for improving the methods of conducting the main types of educational tasks - lectures, practical and laboratory. The content of the stages of realization of the methodology of teaching technical disciplines in the institution of higher education of construction profile is determined, namely - preparatory, content-procedural, reflexive-analytical, control-evaluation and result-corrective.
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