Influence of incompatibility of thermomechanical parameters of bearing layers of a bridge structure on its thermo-stressed state
two-layer bridge structure, incompatibility of thermomechanical parameters, thermal stress fields, finite element analysisAbstract
On the basis of the theory of thermoelasticity, the problem of the thermally stressed state of a two-layer fragment of a bridge structure, consisting of a metal base and an asphalt-concrete upper layer, under conditions of a change in the ambient temperature at different values of the coefficients of thermal linear expansion of the layers is considered. Using the finite element method, the fields of thermal stresses, deformations and displacements are constructed for various values of the thermomechanical characteristics of the layers. The analysis of the influence of the values of thermomechanical parameters on the stress-strain state of the system is carried out. It is shown that with an increase in the incompatibility of these characteristics, the intensities of stresses and strains increase. The zones of concentration of these functions are found. It is recommended to use materials with close values of their thermomechanical parameters when designing bridges to avoid their premature destruction.
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