Determination of the optimal technical servicing periodicity of samples of aerodrome construction equipment




aerodrome alarm technology, the system of technical service, diffusion-monotonous law of distribution, optimal periodicity of technical services


The method for determining the optimal frequency of maintenance of individual samples of aerodrome construction equipment, which is operated outside the established resource, is presented. The developed methodology takes into account the frequency and duration of maintenance, routine maintenance, the reliability of equipment control, the probability of receiving signals about a failure, and the duration of the complete restoration of the product.

Also, the analytical dependence of the unit costs per hour of stay of a sample of aerodrome construction equipment in good condition on the scale factor and the shape of the diffusion-monotonic distribution law of random variables has been established, in turn, makes it possible to develop a methodology for assessing the technical and economic efficiency of the operation of aerodrome construction equipment.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Avramenko, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Technical Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Air Logistics, Institute of Aviation and Air Defense

Oleksandr Matsko, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Military Science, Professor, Head of the Institute of Troops (Forces) and Information Technologies

Vasyl Polishchuk, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Military Science, Associate Professor of Department of Aviation, Institute of Aviation and Air Defense

Mykola Pidhorodetskyi, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Military Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Operational and Combat Support of the Institute of Troops (Forces) and Information Technologies

Anatolii Salii, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Institute of Aviation and Air Defense

Oleksandr Salii, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational and Combat Support of the Institute of Troops (Forces) and Information Technologies

Olena Korshets, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Air Force Department of the Institute of Aviation and Air Defense

Roman Duzhyi, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky

Deputy Head of the Center - Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies Implementation and Technical Support of the Educational Process of the Training and Research Center for Officer Training for Multinational Staffs


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