Study of parameters of nonlinear slope deformation under the action of power and natural factors




finite element method, semi-analytical finite element method, landslide-prone areas, slope stability, engineering protection of the territory


Construction planning in complex engineering and geological conditions, which include landslide-prone areas, requires a detailed analysis of the existing state of the slope and the forecast of its behavior depending on changes in natural and technogenic factors. This possibility can be provided only by modeling deformation processes using numerical calculation methods.

On the example of construction of a three-storey cottage on a landslide-prone slope, the analysis of the operating conditions of existing anti-landslide structures was carried out and their role in ensuring the slope stability was determined.

The preliminary calculation of the slope stability was performed by the method of round cylindrical sliding surfaces for soils of natural humidity and in water-saturated state. The method of round cylindrical surfaces is a simplified method of calculating the slopes stability, which in the conditions of heterogeneous layered slope leads to the overestimation of its stability. Therefore, to determine the actual NSDT of the slope, the calculation profile was developed, on which several formulations of the above problem were performed.

The calculation was performed on the basis of the developed methodology presented in the works of the article authors. The stress-strain state (SSS) of the slope is considered using the finite element method (FEM) and its torque circuit. The base is presented in the form of a modified model of fortified soils with the criterion of the limit state of Mises-Schleicher-Botkin. In numerical implementation, the slope on the basis of engineering surveys was presented as a finite-element discrete model with an elemental grid, a fragment of which is a separate engineering-geological element.

The considered in the article example of the method of calculation of the system «supporting structure-nonlinear base-house» gives the opportunity to give a reliable assessment of the territory state and offer a number of rational measures for its engineering protection, which ensures reliable operation of buildings and structures.

Author Biographies

Ivan Solodei, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Structural Mechanics

Eduard Petrenko, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Geotechnics

Herman Zatyliuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mechanics, Associate Professor of the Department of Structural Mechanics


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