Sustainability of the unit of protective obstacles under the extra load




blocking barrier obstacle, hollow connecting element, law enforcement forces, blocking means, sustainability


The article is devoted to the aspects of engineering provision of forces for the state border protection, namely the use of a blocking barrier obstacle to block certain areas of the territory in order to prevent a mass transfer of the state border violators at the border checkpoints or during the cessation of massive disturbances in the border areas. It also deals with the determination of the stability of the blocking barrier obstacle in the process of preparing it for its intended purpose in case of preventing the passage or breakthrough of the crowd on the prohibited areas of the territory.

Proceeding from the above presented in the article, the state border guard forces were requested to use a new construction of a barrier, namely: a blocking barrier obstacle to which Ukraine's patents for invention were obtained.

The peculiarity of the blocking barrier obstacle is that it consists of hollow connecting elements made of light polymer material. To increase the stability of the blocking barrier in case of external hollow loads, the connecting elements are filled with liquid. Sustainability refers to the ability of the structure to withstand the external loads, capable to shift or overturn them, thus ensuring the increase in the efficiency of the task of preventing passage or breakthrough of violators into the prohibited areas of the territory at the checkpoints. This feature of the blocking barrier obstacle allows construct various design and layout variants, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The article section contains the study of the processes of the external loads influence on the hollow connecting elements of the blocking barrier obstacle on various volumes and ways of filling it with liquid. Mathematical models of the blocking barrier obstacle stability with liquid have been constructed in case of applying external loads. The analysis of theoretical studies results of the external loads influence on the hollow connecting elements of the blocking barrier obstacle has been carried out.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Shapovalov, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Science, Senior Lecturer, Department of Armored Vehicles

Anatolii Kovtun, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Combat and Logistics


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