Ensuring the reliability of metal smoke and veintilation pipes and their carrying towers
metal smoke and ventilation pipes, bearing towers, reliability, load, impact, damage, stress, deformation, durability, residual lifeAbstract
The problem of ensuring the reliability of the work of metal smoke and ventilation pipes and their bearing towers has recently gained special significance in connection with the large number of accidents at industrial enterprises.
Methods of estimation of residual resource of bearing elements of high-rise buildings with various damage detected during diagnostics are developed. The formulas for determining the residual life of metal chimneys are given, the actual reserves of the residual resource are determined after long periods of operation for specific structures.
In this work, variants of reinforcement of the elements of chimneys and towers with the most dangerous injuries (category A) – gaps, with cracks in the main metal and welds, with loss of the overall stability of the trunk of the pipe, have been developed and substantiated. On the basis of the analysis of the summation of internal and external stresses, we obtain formulas for calculating the elastic-deformation state of metal chimneys in the zone of through cracks and holes when performing construction reinforcement works by means of welds for overlays.
The variants of amplification of smoke pipes after the destruction of stops of towers, which perceive wind loads, and as consequences of the loss of overall stability of the pipe are given.
The research results make it possible to assess the reliability of metal smoke and ventilation pipes and their bearing towers after long operating periods, as well as used in the development of regulatory documents when assessing the technical condition and residual life of high-rise buildings.
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