The stability of rotating rods under the action of vibro-impact load




numeric differentiation, complex bend forms, geometric nonlinearity, inertia forces, axial forces, vibro-impact loads, vibro-drilling, dynamic stability


The paper presents the investigation results of the vibro-impact loads’ influence on the stability of vibro-drilling machine’ drill-rod in the process of well in hard rock. The drilling process of such wells is significantly facilitated in case of vibro-impact action. The destroying of the rocks during the vibro-rotary drilling occurs via the complex effect of the vibration impulses and rotational motion. In this way, the task of such drill-rod study stability has actuality. In this case, the various modes of vibration and stability loss are possible. In this regard, the study was done by developed software, in which a technique of computer simulation of the oscillating motion of considerable length rotating rods under the action of axial periodic loads is implemented. Such software gives the possibility to model the oscillatory motion of rotating rods and determine the parameters by witch the dynamic stability loss of the studied system can occur. Using this software the diagrams with regions of stable and unstable motion of the rotating rod were drawn for different parameters of the considered system. The process of oscillation is considered in space with account of inertia forces and geometric nonlinearity of the rod. It is shown, that on certain rotational speeds and frequencies of vibro-impact load there are ranges of unstable motion where the run of equipment can inevitably lead to destruction. The obtained results have been analyzed. The conclusion about the possibility of running the equipment in certain frequency ranges is made.

Author Biographies

Petro Lizunov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Fundamentals of Informatics

Valentyn Nedin, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Informatics


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