Influence of air shock wane on buildings and structures
air shock wave, dynamic load, reflection pressure, breach pressure, cover pressure, developed pressure, rupture timeAbstract
The destruction of buildings and structures occurs as a result of natural disasters, accidents, or terorist attactacts which in many cases are accompanied by explosions.
The action of an air shock wave on a building is characterized by a complex set of loads: excess pressure, reflection pressure, velocity pressure, leakage pressure, load from seismic waves.
Ensuring the preservation and restoration of buildings and structures includes measures to assess the possible degree of destruction of buildings and structures. Therefore, in modern conditions, the design of buildings, structures and their elements is not possible without taking into account the dynamic effects. When designing and constructing buildings and structures, it is always necessary to take into account the resistance of structural elements to the action of damaging factors, both the explosion in general and the shock wave of the explosion in particular, which will help avoid future possible human losses.
Therefore, the article considers the general characteristics of the processes of interaction of the air shock wave with the building, the method of calculating the time of destruction of prefabricated buildings and the main parameters of the air shock wave which flows as a result of an explosion in a building, structure with windows, doorways and openings, which arose as a result of the destruction of floor structures or walls.
Studies have shown that the load on the structure depends on the parameters of the wave that flows through the holes in the buildings and through the holes formed by the destruction of the walls of the building, the comparison of calculated and experimental data indicates their sufficient convergence.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mykhailo Shyshanov, Volodymyr Маliuha, Volodymyr Koval, Volodymyr Mirnenko, Viktor Fil, Svitlana Hannenko, Roman Duzhyi

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