Limit state theoretical and experimental investigation of corrugated sine-web under patch loading
corrugated web, web local stability, patch loading, buckling form, effect of patch loading parametersAbstract
The article researches the behavior and limit state of thin-web bedI-beams with transversal corrugations under patch loading action. Web local stability analysis was performed on beam models, which had been created according to standard corrugated profiles range of company Zeman. Numerical analyses on physical and mathematical models and experimental investigations on two physical models with similar to them parameters and steel were executed.
The critical stress analyses were carried out via the finite elements method (FEM) with the assumption of steel elastic behavior accounting both geometric linearity and geometric nonlinearity. The calculation shows that taking into account the elastic behavior of steel the geometric nonlinearity has insignificant effect on the results.
Two buckling forms (local and general for thicker webs) were ascertained while investigating the stability loss of web. The critical loading's value increases with increasing of purlin’s supporting length, but the web's critical stress decreases. But for all models critical stresses value is almost similar (tolerance is less than 0.36%) to steel yield strength fy= 305MPa.
The numerical and experimental investigation results of corrugated web behavior under patch loading are presented. Established that model’s bearing capacity does not fail after reaching by theoretical and experimental normal stresses the ultimate strength of the web steel, and ultimate loading increases by 35 – 40 % due to the stress’s redistribution in the web along the length.
The results of calculations and experiments certificates that when the strength requirement specified by Eurocode No. 3 is met the corrugated web’s bearing capacity will be alwaysensured.
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