Influence of air shock wave on shelter
dynamic load, shock wave, breakthrough wave, shock wave pressure, load rise time, load action time, technical basement, separate sheltersAbstract
In modern conditions, sheltering people in protective structures, as a way of protection from dangers, in combination with evacuation from the affected areas (pollution) and the use of personal protective equipment, increases the reliability of public protection. In conditions when evacuation measures from cities can be complicated in a short time, protection of the population in shelters becomes the only possible and effective. Therefore, an important task is to study the impact of loads caused by the explosion of various munitions, substantiate recommendations for improving the protective properties of the shelter and the choice of their location.
The most common issues are considered in the article that arise during the arrangement of shelter in buildings and outside them. Based on experimental studies, Taylor's formula and the system of non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations for gas, it’s conducted an analysis of the influence of external and internal factors on the possible nature of the dynamic load from the shock wave on buildings, structures and structural elements in which shelters are located.
The results of studies of the parameters of dynamic loads showed that if the storage facilities are located in the basements of buildings, their stability is characterized by three parameters: maximum pressure, time to increase the load to maximum and effective time. The parameters of the loads and the law of their change over the time depend on the location of the structure relative to the surface of the earth and the building, the force of the explosion and the distance to the center of the explosion.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Volodymyr Kotsiuruba, Ivan Datsenko, Volodymyr Dachkovsky, Ruslan Cherevko, Vasyl Polyulyak, Oleksandr Ivashchuk, Ihor Furman

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