Features of application of smart technologies in construction





smart technologies, smart home, energy efficiency, ecology, safety, alternative energy sources


A study of aspects of the use of smart technologies in construction. This technology originated in the IT industry with the advent of digital devices. Until now, this technology has been invested primarily in the concept of "smart home" with digital control technologies. Then smart technologies spread to the technology of energy-efficient housing and its maintenance. Today, this technology also includes technologies of ecological and energy-saving construction, i.e. smart technologies for the construction of, first of all, modular. Thus, smart technology in construction in any sense means the organization of "smart", i.e. healthy, economical, safe and comfortable human housing at all stages of its life cycle. The surge in interest in "smart" homes and technology is a consequence of the global "digitalization" of human life. In 2017, Ukraine adopted the Law “On Energy Efficiency of Buildings”, which defines the legal, socio-economic and organizational principles of activities in the field of energy efficiency of buildings and aims to reduce energy consumption in buildings. This law defines the basic principles of state policy of Ukraine in this area, namely: ensuring the appropriate level of energy efficiency of buildings in accordance with technical regulations, national standards, norms and rules; stimulating the reduction of energy consumption in buildings; ensuring the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere; creating conditions for attracting investments in order to implement measures to ensure increase the energy efficiency of buildings; ensuring thermal modernization of buildings, stimulating the use of renewable energy sources; development and implementation of a national plan to increase the number of buildings with close to zero energy consumption. The article considers five areas of implementation of these requirements - energy independence, environmental friendliness, comfort, economy and safety.

Most effectively, in terms of minimizing the components of the technological process, and the cost-effectiveness of the implemented project, these principles can be implemented using materials and technologies that can integrate these requirements in one complex. When implementing the requirements laid down in the above four areas when using smart technologies in construction as a material that combines these areas, it is possible to provide products based on basalt fiber-rigid and semi-rigid thermal insulation boards, mats, harnesses and other materials. These materials can be used in the development of part of the requirements of the fifth direction - security. They are implemented in the development of environmental safety of housing, fire resistance of the building, biological safety of the material, indoor air quality and other aspects of smart technologies.

Author Biographies

Yurii Khlaponin, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering

Oleksandr Selyukov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Science, Senior Researcher, Professor of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering

Dmytro Khlaponin, State University of Telecommunications

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Departmtnt of Public Management and Administration

Serhii Palchik, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Engineer of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering


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