Model of high-speed shock interaction with compatible type
model, high-speed impactor, ball, protective obstacle, deformation, hollow cylinderAbstract
In connection with military operations, the issue of developing protection for military personnel against bullets and splinters remains an issue. Modern studies of the interaction of bullets and fragments with protective obstacles are based on the search for new types of structures and materials of protection. The focus is on the development of NATO-compliant protective structures to increase the level of protection for military personnel using low-cost, affordable materials with minimal production and intended use.
Despite some advances in the study of solid-body impact, the known results of theoretical and experimental studies do not describe the overall picture of the interaction of the element of damage and interference. When designing protective structures, only certain aspects of the shock interaction are considered, based on the absorption of the kinetic energy of the element of damage. Therefore, it remains important for the scientific and technical task - to continue the study of the process of interaction of bullets (fragments) with protective obstacles, at the stages of penetration, penetration and their departure, which will allow to develop new models of protection structure of military personnel that are relevant for military use.
The main method of studying the process of striking and punching an obstacle with a bullet (fragment) is a combination of analytical and experimental studies. Analytical methods of research are based on mathematical modeling of stages of interaction of bullets (fragments) with elements of a protective obstacle with the subsequent carrying out of corresponding mathematical calculations. Experimental research methods are based on determining the level of security and require complex research in laboratory and polygonal conditions. The combination of analytical and experimental research results makes it possible to consider the level of security more fully.
In this work the process of interaction of a ball (fragment) with the protective obstacles formed by a set of hollow cylinders of compatible type is considered. Models for determining the depth of penetration of the impactor into the obstacle in the form of a set of hollow cylinders of compatible type are proposed. The results of calculations of the depth of penetration of the ball from Kalashnikov (AK-74) in steel hollow cylinders of compatible type are presented. Further research is concerned with improving the design of armor by developing new technical solutions using the latest technologies.
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