Calculated reliability of eccentrically compressed concrete columns under the action of low cycle loading with alternating eccentricities




eccentric compression, low-cyclic loads, alternating eccentricity, reliability


The paper gives definition of design reliability of eccentric compressed reinforced concrete columns under the action of low-cyclic loads with alternating eccentricities. In particular, these elements are underexplored in terms of building constructions reliability.

Such condition is due to the fact that, besides difficulties with the probabilistic description of actual loads, especially temporary ones (crane, snow or wind), the reliability estimation of eccentric compressed elements, including elements which were made of well-researched material such as reinforced concrete, is connected with taking into account geometric and physical nonlinearity.

It is necessary to emphasize, the probabilistic analysis of such elements, especially in part of justified calculation of coupling forces, can give significant impact since in practice the eccentric compressed elements (studs, columns, etc.) are loaded by the widest set of random loads.

Based on theoretical researches and using the experimental data the numerical example of defining the design reliability of aforesaid elements was made. Since the value of eccentricity, level and loading conditions influence essentially on change of physical and mechanical properties of materials, therefore, these parameters are considered as random variables from which reliability, constructive reliability and long-term durability of eccentric compressed elements are depended during operating process.

During defining the design reliability of eccentric compressed columns under action of low-cyclic alternating loads, it was used the existed method of calculating the estimation of building constructions reliability under the action of single-stage steady loads in accordance with normative documents. It was justified statistically the definition of the change of physical and mechanical properties of concrete and reinforcing steel during determining the coefficient of operating conditions. These changes were taking into account during operating the eccentric compressed columns under action of low-cyclic alternating loads during defining the designing estimate of reliability.

Author Biographies

Hryhorii Masiuk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Industrial, Civil Construction and Engineering Structures

Valentyn Aleksiievets, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial, Civil Construction and Engineering Structures

Ivan Aleksiievets, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial, Civil Construction and Engineering Structures

Vladyslav Masiuk, Limited Liability Company "TOP GIP"

Chief Architect


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