Stress-deformed state and form-changing of massive and thin-walled objects




stress-deformed state, form-modification, axial-symmetric bodies, massive and thin-walled objects, unverified temperature field, universal FE, moment diagram of finite elements (FEMS), extractor of cylindrical glass, hot draft of cylindrical workpiece


The paper presents the results of the mathematical modeling of the processes of the transformation of massive and thin-walled bodies of rotation under the action of forced displacements and unstoppable temperature fields with large irreversible deformations and variable boundary conditions. As examples, operations of extracting cylindrical glass and hot precipitations of cylindrical work are considered.

The processes of processing of metals by stamping are marked by a significant change in the workpieces under the action of poissons, stamps and other tools, often in conditions of uneven heating. In addition, the conditions of interaction with contacting bodies determine the significant influence on the course of change in their stress-strain state. Further improvement of various technological processes of metal processing by embossing to a large extent depends on the completeness and reliability of information on the peculiarities of changing the picture of the VAT of the workpieces in the process of deformation. In this connection, the urgency of the development of research methods for plastic molding, taking into account geometric nonlinearity with large physical-nonlinear deformations, contact interaction and heat transfer conditions on the boundary surfaces, is increasing.

In this paper, as output, settlement relationships, and algorithms for solving nonlinear equations systems are taken in the publications of the authors [1, 5, 7].

The results of the calculations of technological processes presented in this paper give the basis to conclude that the developed method and implementing its software complex, allow to conduct studies on the modification of shell, massive axisymmetric constructions, taking into account geometric and physical nonlinearity in power and non-stationary temperature loads.

Author Biographies

Viktor Bazhenov, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Structural Mechanics

Yurij Maksimyuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Structural Mechanics


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